防爆工具材質為銅合金材質,詳細分為鋁青銅合金和鈹青銅合金銅合金也會產生火花,銅合金雖然為防爆材質,但是也會產生火花,只是銅合金的導熱性能好,所以在摩擦和撞擊時不會產生火花。但是,當你拿銅合金材質和高速轉向的切割機切割時,_會產生火花。 原因在于在這種情況下會產生大量的金屬顆粒,同事短時間聚集的熱量不能被全部吸收和傳導,而我們拿銼刀或小鋸條摩擦銅合金材質時,_不會產生火花現象,因為這時產生的熱量能被及時的吸收和傳導。
Explosion-proof tools made of copper alloy material, details of aluminum bronze alloys and beryllium bronze alloy Copper alloy also produce sparks, copper alloy, although proof material, but also produce sparks, but copper alloy Good thermal conductivity, so the friction and impact will not produce sparks. However, when you take copper alloy and high-speed steering of the cutting machine cut, they will generate sparks. The reason is that in such circumstances would produce large amounts of metal particles, colleagues gathered short period of time can not be all of the heat absorption and conduction, and we take FILE or a small saw blade friction and copper alloy materials, they will not produce sparks phenomenon, because when heat absorption and conduction can be timely.